All of that to say, please visit every day for a new post!

I ended up feeling sick yesterday with a 102.4 fever. Yuck! Thankfully it's down to 100.2 at which I can care for my family. 102.4=shivering in bed and being whiny to my dear husband and NOT on the computer.
I did do several resourceful activities yesterday that I thought I'd share. I'm sure all of you reading this know me, so this is just a day in the life of Katie.
9:15 Take Eve to Preschool
10:00 Check out consignment store in Issaquah & decide to leave a few things that are cluttering up the house and that I haven't managed to put on Craig's List in over a year.
11:00 Drop by rental house in Issaquah & bonus: I can write off the mileage
11:15 Latte and sorting coupons at Starbucks
12:00 Pick up Eve from Preschool
12:15 $3 lunch at McDonald's for both of us - 2 $1 burgers and split a $1 fries.
12:30 Thrift store shopping - bought a pair of Gap jeans in Eve's next size for $1.79 and a pair of pajamas for Naomi for $1.50. Naomi (3) is quickly catching up to Eve (4) in clothing size so hand-me-downs won't work for Naomi much longer. Eeek!
1:30 Library to borrow books
1:45 Post office to mail business tax return & bonus: I can write off the mileage
2:00 Home - spend time on some stuff for MOPS at church and start to feel sick
3:30 Take Joanna to JC Penney portrait studio - cheap & gets the job done. Paid with a gift card.
5:00 Return clothes to Children's Place and Macy's totalling $25 b/c I found comparable items at the thrift stores for $5.25 (also starting to feel really sick)
6:15 Make fajitas for dinner - I had a bell pepper that was starting to pucker, so it was an easy decision. 1 bell pepper, 1 onion, 1 chicken breast, olive oil - toss it on tortillas and voila! We also had salsa, sour cream, and shredded cheddar.
6:45 in bed for the night. I know!
9:30 finally took my temperature 102.4
So that's my resourceful day.
I'll post later today with my grocery shopping trip from today. I am doing a pantry challenge - which means I am trying to eat food out of my pantry and freezer and only buying produce and dairy to supplement.
More on that later today.
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