Saturday, February 11, 2012

Monthly Wrap-Up January 2012

I used to be in the habit of setting goals here each month and reporting on our progress. I was reminded recently that cultivating a heart of contentment included being grateful for what I have. I realized I haven't been remembering all the Lord has done for us so I thought I'd start again here.

January is always a difficult month for me. Maybe it's the weather, maybe it's several annual bills that are due in Dec, Jan, & Feb, or maybe it's just the busyness of travel and the looming taxes in February. I don't think it's coincidence that my postpartum depression was diagnosed in January last year!

Last January we started paying on DH's student loans. We had borrowed to pay for half of his BA back in 2004 & 2005. DH's MBA was later paid for by his employer. It worked out perfectly for DH to work on the MBA part-time since his employer only paid tuition up to a certain amount. It took just over 3 years, but it was 100% paid for.

During 2011 we managed to pay off just over 50% of the student loan debt. We are really proud of our progress! But this January was even more exciting because we paid off another 21%! DH had some Microsoft stock that we were able to sell when the price was up a few weeks ago. We only have 29% left and hope to keep hammering away at it and hopefully wiping a big piece out with our tax refund. DH has also been teaching an illustration class and just finished editing a book so those funds will help a great deal, too. Hooray!

I also am so thankful for a visit with DH's family in January and the savings we had in our electric bill, water bill, and grocery bill since we were gone 10 days! I also was given a bag of the yummiest coffee ever from my friend. We used it for two weeks and I'm so thankful because coffee can sure get expensive!

For February my goals are to file our business taxes, our personal taxes, and get the garden starts growing. To that end, if anyone local has 2 liter bottles they are discarding I'd love to get them from you! They will work as nice little greenhouses for my baby plants!


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