Showing posts with label Green Ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green Ideas. Show all posts

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Yellow Pages Opt Out

Did you know you can opt out of receiving all those yellow pages that arrive on your doorstep?! I just found out yesterday reading this blog, written by a high school friend.

You head to this site and just enter your zipcode. It lists all the yellow pages available in your area. Transalation: those that will arrive on your doorstep as a free 'gift.' There are 7 for my own address and they're all huge. After you register with the site, you can choose which, if any, you want to receive and which to decline.

Maybe if enough people opt out, the phone companies will get a clue and fewer of these bulging books will be printed!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Recycle Stained, Worn Clothing

I generally donate our old clothing to local thrift stores. These thrift stores universally ask that you only donate useable clothing/household items and one of my favorites has a sign posted that says "If you wouldn't want to buy it, don't donate it." This is because unusable items are basically trash and the thrift stores have to foot a dump bill for those donations they can't sell. If you're trying to help a charity, you don't give them your trash! You're only costing them money.

OK - off the soapbox. All of this to say that I hate throwing clothing items away because another American won't buy it at a thrift store. A few years ago I saw a picture of some kids in Africa and one of them was wearing a little girl's Ariel nightgown like a shirt. I have wondered how clothing gets to these places. I have wondered if a warm sweater with a stain on the sleeve wouldn't be useful to someone, somewhere as I throw it in the trash because it's not 'good enough' for the thrift store.

Thanks to my friend, Denise, I learned about a donation alternative to these 'too used' textile items. There is a great company called Retex whose mission is to help people and the environment through textile recycling. This company has over 150 donation boxes in King & Snohomish counties, so donating is easy! The clothing and shoes are sorted and used for a variety of purposes including secondhand use in poor countries, industrial cleaning rags, recycled fibers into new products, and recycled fibers into insulation products. Only 5% of items donated to Retex end up in a landfill!

The website is full of great information if you want to poke around. I will be taking my 'too-used' items to the Woodinville Park'n'Ride donation bin in the future and feeling much better about not tossing things in the trash!

p.s. Seattle is pretty good about recycling, in general, compared to the rest of the United States. Here's a neat article if you want to pat yourself on the back for living and recycling here!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Staple-less Stapler - Green and Frugal

Can I just start by saying that The Container Store is one of my very favorite places? Of course I can! They just come up with the coolest stuff EVER including this green and frugal idea: A Stapler that doesn't use staples!
You save cash because you don't have to buy staples, but the cooler part is that you aren't sending a bunch of staples to a landfill. And it's only seven bucks.

DH gave me one of these in white for Christmas and so far I've been impressed. A tab is punched through the pages, folded over, and tucked through slits. You can see the tab cut-out on the red paper in the above photo.
In a test designed for this blog 2 pages 'stapled' together survived a fall off the desk, but not a hearty flinging by my 5 year old.