Showing posts with label Pantry Challenge 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pantry Challenge 2011. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pantry Challenge 2011! Update

I have so much food stockpiled that the Pantry Challenge 2011! hasn't been a huge challenge in regard to creative meal planning. The biggest challenges we've run into include running out of "kid" cereal - at our house that means non-sugar stuff like rice krispies, cheerios, and kix - and running out of raisins. We've been eating a lot of oatmeal with dried cranberries in it!

I have been challenged, however, with my grocery shopping and trying to keep my perishable purchases under $20. So far I haven't managed it, but I've been close!

I am buying less milk, less produce, and skipping really great deals! To make up for less produce we're eating canned peaches, pears, and applesauce from last summer. It might sound strange to you, but I am supremely proud of myself for not buying a pound of butter for $1.49 at TOP last weekend. I never see butter at that low price, but I have about 10 pounds in the freezer and the whole point of the Pantry Challenge 2011! is to use what I have and not add to it!

I also reviewed the contents of my pantry this weekend. I haven't done that since DD#4 was born back in September so I was really pleased to find that I only had a few expired things like teriyaki sauce, salad dressing, a can of cranberry sauce and a box of rice-a-roni. I have a few more things I need to use in March so I'm already planning my meals for next month (since this month's are already all planned). I still need to dig into the freezer and find out what's lurking there. Maybe next week . . .

How is the challenge going for you? Does anyone want to have a challenge in March? I'm definitely continuing my own challenge into March.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

This Week's Shopping - $22.10

I tell you what, $20 just doesn't stretch very far! My goal during Pantry Challenge 2011! is to spend only $20 per week on the basic grocery necessities, primarily dairy & produce. This week I had to buy cheese, milk, and coffee which are all, unfortunately, higher priced items.

I spent a bit over $20 but could have said no to DD2 adding a third huge Bosc pear to her produce bag and to the markdown yogurt because we still had a few at home in the fridge.

Here's what I got for $22.10:
2 gallons of organic milk - clearance priced $2.49 and $2.79. Yahoo!
Coffee - $6.49
2# cheese - $4.49
Yogurt - markdown to $.19
6 pears - $.88/lb
whole wheat buns - clearance $.79
4 roma tomatoes - $.98/lb

When DD1 was born and DH and I were committed to my staying home I only spent $20 a week on groceries on a regular basis. I worked at a restaurant about 3 times a month and often was able to bring home food that would be thrown out, and my parents helped out a lot by providing vast quantities of meat whenever they came to visit.

Things have definitely changed in 5 years, especially since we switched to organic milk and DH started drinking coffee. This week's shopping trip was a challenge and a good reminder of how far we've come, thanks to God's provision.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pantry Challenge 2011! - Month of Meals

As I planned a month's worth of dinners I realized that I have an even more ridiculous amount of food than I realized. I will be out of town 8 days this month so I had to come up with 20 dinners and it was total cake! I may have to challenge myself further in March to even make a dent in my freezer!

20 meals:
pulled pork
turkey gravy/rice
baked potatoes & toppings
french toast
macaroni & cheese pie
ground beef & red bean chili
pork chops & scalloped potatoes
country bean soup
russian chicken
sausage gravy/biscuits
turkey & white bean chili
beef stroganoff
cream dijon chicken
hamburger helper
turkey pot pie
chicken bake
ham/bean soup
Whatever DH picks for his birthday

8 of these are freezer meals, already prepared. Several more are super-easy dinners from the pantry. I guess I was hoping I'd have to get more creative in my menu planning. Perhaps the real challenge for me will be spending only $20/week on dairy & produce.

Lunches will be leftovers, box mac'n'cheese, sandwiches, quesadillas, and chicken nuggets (as long they last).


Friday, January 28, 2011

Pantry Challenge 2011!

Every year I have a grocery shopping heyday in November and December. The prices are amazing and I can't resist stocking up. Last year I looked at my pantry in January and decided to have a Pantry Challenge! The idea is to shop as little as possible and use what you've already got on hand. This is what my pantry and freezer looked like at the start of Pantry Challenge 2010!

I know, ridiculous amounts of food! I was able to shop sparingly and by the end of April I had completely cleaned out and defrosted my extra freezer and the pantry was reduced to 2 shelves instead of 3.
This year, as I begin the Pantry Challenge 2011!, my freezer and pantry look like this:

Clearly I need to defrost the freezer! I am also proud to report that there is much less food in both the pantry and the freezer as I begin this year's challenge.

Goals for Pantry Challenge 2011! include:
1. For the month of February spend $20/week at the most on groceries for perishable items only. Save the other $30/week for bulk buying later in the year.
2. For the month of February plan out the whole month of meals so I can limit my trips to the grocery store.
3. Review dates of food in the freezer and pantry and identify every item.
4. Plan the month of meals to include the oldest items first.

For me, a grocery stockpiler, it has been a good practice to review dates periodically to make sure nothing goes to waste. If your pantry or freezer is also well-stocked or just has some old and/weird items hanging out, consider joining me in this challenge and use up those items!
