Thursday, June 9, 2016

2016 Groceries Week 23 - $197.46

We left on vacation in the middle of week 23.  I tried to have our cabinets/fridge well-stocked so my sister would have it as easy as possible caring for the kiddos.

We started the week by picking strawberries on a sunny Memorial Day at our favorite organic farm.  We spent $63.80 on about 25 pounds of strawberries.

I went to Costco Tuesday for chips, crackers, tortillas, & sugar that I was running low on.  I spent $31.35.

Wednesday I went to Fred Meyer for baby formula, milk, baby cereal, carrots, more mangoes, apples, yogurt, whipping cream (for promised strawberry shortcake), soy sour cream, nutella (for my sister & nephew), and cheese for a plane snack.  I spent $54.82 on food.

In Hawaii we went to Wal-Mart for a few grocery basics.  No photo, but I spent $20.68 on coffee grounds, creamer,  a package of hot pockets, 2 microwave Campbell's soups, 8 oz cheese, a dozen eggs, 2 cans of Pringles, and a package of dried cranberries.

Back home, my sister went to the store for a few things, too.  She spent $26.81 on a gallon of organic milk, a half gallon of almond milk, a loaf of bread, organic romaine hearts, 3 mangos, and some roma tomatoes.

Week 23 Total: $197.46
YTD 2016 Total: $3.316.65
Weekly Average: $144.20


Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Gluten Free Menu Plan

This week I'm hoping to use stuff I have on hand and not shop much.

Monday - homemade pizza
Tuesday - Italian sausage soup
Wednesday - BBQ
Thursday - Enchilada Casserole (rainy day)
Friday - Taco Soup
Saturday - Mexican Dip
Sunday - White Chili (in freezer)

Monday - macaroni & cheese (gf/df for DD2)
Tuesday - cheesy bread
Wednesday - Sandwiches (ciabatta rolls & GF bread in freezer)
Thursday - Taco Salad
Friday - Nacho/Quesadilla
Saturday - mac'n'cheese
Sunday - leftovers

Snacks: cucumbers, strawberries, smoothies, watermelon, leftover birthday cake


Monday, May 30, 2016

2016 Groceries Week 22 - $306.90

A big week again.  I was just telling some friends this morning at church how hard it is on my ego to spend so much on groceries.  I used to be really proud of myself for my $100/week on groceries, but darned if my kids don't keep growing and emerging with more allergies.  And I'm trying to buy more organic.  I don't know why I'm surprised every week at how much I spend.

Monday I went to QFC with a kiddo for milk.  I also picked up almond milk and found some good clearance deals including: organic Kashi bars for $2.24/box, organic hummus for $2.49, cottage cheese for $0.79 each, baby food for $0.69, and a bag of clearance produce for $0.99.  I spent $28.10.

Wednesday night I took DD3 out to shop for her birthday party.  She was really excited to pick out juice - it was $1.99 each bottle, the Teddy Grahams were a ridiculous $3.69/box, $4.99 for gummy bears, rice cakes for $2.49, a bag of apples, 3 mangoes, 2 organic cucumbers, and clearance packages of chicken thighs ($1.34/.93 lb) and 2 gourmet burger patties for $2.04.  Altogether I paid $35.93.

Another stop at QFC Friday morning for organic peanut butter and an organic watermelon.  These were $12.57.

Saturday afternoon I was exhausted after DD3's birthday party (and staying up half the night cleaning & preparing food), but when DH suggested I get out the house on my own for a few hours I took him on it.  What homeschooling mom of 5 would turn that offer down?  I checked out Grocery Outlet in Bellevue where I don't often have a chance to go.  I was delighted to find organic 2# bricks of cheddar for $9.99 and organic butter for $2.99/lb.  I found 16oz jars of organic salsa for $.99 each, organic potato chips for $1.99, and conventional chicken nuggets, wheat thins, pita chips, onions, oranges, and lunch meat.  I spent $100.02.

I also visited Champion Foods in Issaquah which is usually a great shopping trip for me.  Yesterday was no exception.  I found a passel of deals.  8 bags of kettle chips for $0.50 each, GF teriyaki sauce, organic GF elbow macaroni,gf spaghetti, baby snacks, organic GF granola bars, teabags for $2.00/box, big cans of organic tomato sauce, rice vinegar, dried mango, organic pizza sauce, 6 jars organic baby food, baking soda, organic candy (like starburst), peppercorns, & 25 pound bag of red beans.  I spent $98.45!

And finally, I stopped into Fred Meyer today for olives so I could make DD3 her requested pepperoni & olive pizza. I decided to give the kids a treat of chocolate milk, the 'clean' coffee creamer was on sale for $1.99, I bought Doritos & buns to hopefully bbq this week, a GF/DF pizza to have on hand for DD2, and a couple of mangoes.  I spent $34.65.

Week 22 Total: $306.90 EEP!
Year to Date Total: $3,119.19
Weekly Average: $141.78


Sunday, May 22, 2016

2016 Groceries Week 21 - $173.36

This week wasn't too bad.  I'm trying to make some meals ahead and get ready for an upcoming vacation where DH & I will be out of town, but family will be staying with our kids.

I popped into Costco for a couple things Monday.  I spent $21.88 on mac'n'cheese and maple syrup.

I went to Fred Meyer for organic yogurt that was on sale for $2.79.  I also bought organic milk, organic green onions, organic mangoes, an organic chicken, and conventional corn flakes, applesauce, chex granola & gf honey bunches of oats.  I spent $40.83.

No photo for a stop Tuesday at QFC for gf/df pizza.  It was $9.99 and annoying because only $7.99 at Fred Meyer.  Too bad QFC is the one close to my house.  *sigh*

Fred Meyer for milk again on Friday.  My kids are drinking it fast!  I also got the raspberries that were on sale, 2 organic cucumbers, bacon, and clearance baby food and bread.  I only spent $19.39.

Finally, a big trip on Saturday where I got lots of good deals with sales & coupons.  I bought clearance pectin for canning, croissants, and salami sticks. I used manufacturer's coupons for the Ritz and Triscuits which were also on sale.  I also got 2 containers of organic formula, organic gummy bears, organic potatoes, and conventional cream cheese, salsa, lunchmeat, half & half, creamer, asparagus, zucchini, oranges & raspberries.  I also picked up some clearance K-cups to share with one of my homeschool groups.  I spent $81.27 on food.

Week 21 Total: $173.36
Year-to-Date Total: $2,812.29
Weekly Average: $133.92


Monday, May 16, 2016

GF/DF/EF Menu Plan

I haven't made a menu plan in a couple of weeks and I feel it!  I generally plan a couple of days ahead, but the whole week decided ahead of time is so helpful and reduces the stress level.

Monday - Mexican Dip (make double for in-law visit)
Tuesday - Pizza
Wednesday - Enchilada Casserole
Thursday - Pot Roast
Friday - Beef Stew & biscuits
Saturday - macaronada
Sunday - popcorn & fruit

Monday - Taco Salad
Tuesday - Grilled Cheese
Wednesday - Waffles (1/4 batch gf/df/ef)
Thursday - pbj or pbhoney
Friday - Nachos/Quesadillas
Saturday - mac & cheese
Sunday - pbj

Snacks: yogurt/granola, cottage cheese, cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, granola bars, lemon-blueberry loaf


Sunday, May 15, 2016

2016 Groceries Week 20 - $136.12

I should just adjust my expectations.  Really. I should figure on spending $150/week so I don't get so annoyed at myself.

I hit the clearance jackpot at QFC Wednesday mid-morning.  I got 12 boxes of cereal for $0.89 each, a box of chex for $1.99, 4 organic cottage cheese for $1.49 each, 2 organic sour cream for $1.79 each, gf/df/ef pizza dough for $3.09, and organic granola bars for $1.99.  I also bought organic soy milk, 2 gallons organic whole milk, a soy milk yogurt as a treat for DD2, organic carrots, organic kidney beans to put in soup this week, and 3 pints of DF sorbet that was on sale.  I also got clearance bbq sauce and chocolate syrup.  I spent $58.99.

I finally made it to the Founder's Day sale at Fred Meyer on Thursday evening.  I bought chips that we needed for a potluck Friday night, 4 boxes of cereal, organic coconut milk that was on clearance for $1.79 (!), 4 organic cucumbers, a loaf of df/gf/ef bread because I just want to make sandwiches for the kids sometimes, organic Earth's Balance butter and a clearance box of glutino breakfast bars.  Conventional stuff included coffee creamer, bread, canned pineapple & mandarins, asparagus, tomatoes, bananas, onions, apples, fruit snacks, diced green chiles, 3 cup-o-noodles, a mango, 2 cans of tomatoes, chicken noodle soup, and a brick of the new Darigold cheese because it was on sale and I wanted to try it (I love sharp, white cheddar &  I love they're not dyeing their cheddar orange like Tillamook and everyone else).  I spent a big $50.24.

A zip through QFC after a coffee date yielded a pound cake for the freezer (to save for a trifle later this summer), some cocoa k-cups, a can of beans because I couldn't find dry beans (what? Yes), and 2 bell peppers. I spent $7.66.

Finally, I was about 45 minutes from home for DD1 to attend a birthday party and I hit up the Safeway to see what I could find.  I got 4 packages of organic sausages and some organic chicken breast for 50% off.  They also had kids' organic squeeze yogurts for 50% off, but lots of sugar in those flavored ones.  I spent $19.23.

Week 20 Total: $136.12
Year to Date 2016 Total: $2,638.93
Weekly Average; $131.95


Sunday, May 8, 2016

2016 Groceries Week 19 - $168.75

This week made up for the previous two low-spending weeks.  Ouch!

Monday I had an hour out and about with 2 girls and we stopped at QFC to check out the deals.  I found organic butter for just $2.99/lb so I bought 9 packages (all that was on the shelf).  I also restocked on the gf/df/eg kiddo's sour cream, cream cheese, and shortening (for baking in lieu of butter).  We found some yogurt cups on clearance for $0.29/each and organic ground turkey for $4.00/lb.  Altogether we spent $51.39.

Tuesday I went out after dinner because the daiya cheese sale was ending at Safeway and I wanted to stock up.  Unfortuantely a lot of the cheese were already sold out!  But I still got a few contrainers.  I also picked up regular cream cheese to make a dinner my kids love, some clearance lunch meat, a clearance can of soup, and clearance organic eggs.  Hummus was on sale and I picked up a multi-grain cereal for the baby to expand his food horizons. I spent $34.33 on food.  I also found a couple non-food items in the clearance area back by the swinging doors.  I got the last remaining kiddo an electric toothbrush for $3.49 and  a fun birthday gift for my nephew for $4.99.  Safeway is hit or miss for me, but the clearance deals were great this trip.

I had a huge trip to Fred Meyer on Thursday, but I can't figure out how to get the picture off my new phone.  I'll update this post when I can access the photo.  I bought whole milk, gf chex cereal, generic honey nut cheerios & cornflakes, organic baby formula, 2 baby cereals, 2 spaghetti boxes, rice vinegar, canned beans & canned tomatoes, hummus in a flavor my mom likes since she was visiting, a clearance bag of 3 organic granny smith apples for $1, a gf/df/ef pizza, a head of romaine, an organic cucumber, 2 packages of nitrate-free bacon for $2.69 each, some clearance bananas, and a clearance sourdough bread boule.  I spent $62.40 on food.

Saturday I was out with DD#2 and we picked up these few things at QFC & Fred Meyer. Baby puffs were $0.79, organic guacamole for $2.19 each, organic potatoes for $2.49 and 3 apples for $1.49/lb. This cost $13.34.

Finally, I found these clearance deals at Safeway today. Lunch meats for $1.24 each, organic baby yogurt for $1.99, and sour cream for $0.79 each.  I spent $7.29.

Grand total groceries for Week 19: $168.75
2016 Year to date: $2,502.81
Weekly Average: $131.73

In 2015 I was only averaging $84.96 at this point.  I think we're eating much better food these days and I know prices are rising, but it really feels like I am overspending.  I'm working on adjusting my attitude.  I know that $130/week is still really excellent.

This week I may spend a lot as well.  Fred Meyer is having its annual Founder's Day sale which is usually chock full of great deals so I may be stocking up a little.

Love, Katie

Sunday, May 1, 2016

2016 Groceries Week 18 - $59.30

It was another light week.  Monday I stopped at QFC and found pepperoni & guacamole on clearance.  I spent $8.96

We were at my Aunt's all day Wednesday & Thursday.  Thursday night I went down to the local Fred Meyer to find food for breakfast Friday since I planned to be on the road by 6:30am.  I found granola bars on clearance, apples, oranges, bananas, & lemons on clearance, some cheese, some carrots & hummus.  I also picked up m&ms because I love them.  I paid $19.20.

I had a big pot of chili to make for Friday night dinner at our couples Bible study.  I ran into the grocery store for a very fast pick up of ingredients I was missing and spent $8.86.

My lovely Aunt picked this flour up for me at her local Costco outlet store.  It cost her about $9.00.

Finally, I went to QFC Saturday.  I bought 2 bags of organic chips, a head or organic lettuce, 2 organic sweet potatoes, some yummy 9-grain salad, and a pound of organic ground beef.  I spent $13.28 after returning some milk bottles.

Week 18 Total: $59.30
YTD 2016 Total: $2,334.06
Weekly Average: $129.67
