Sunday, February 20, 2011

This Week's Shopping - $19.78!!!

Whoo! I actually kept the groceries under $20!

Here's what I got:
3 packages of feta cheese - $1.00 each (DH asked for a dinner that requires feta for his birthday) pepperoni - $1.00 (for girls' whole wheat english muffin pizza lunches)
2# cheese - $3.50
liquid formula - $.59
baby food - $.45 (clearance)
10# carrots - $5.29 (need for meal swap)
apples - $.59/lb
bread - $.99
cantaloupe - $.39/lb
Not pictured: $.49 lunch meat

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friday Project - Taxes Done!

I got our taxes done yesterday. Woohoo! I'm visiting my folks for a few days and was able to get some time and wrap it all up. I like to get our taxes done as soon as possible so we can get our refund as soon as possible. Also, the earlier you file, the earlier you get in the queue for the refund.

Also, I love to help with taxes so if you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them!


Friday, February 18, 2011

God is Faithful!

I wanted to share how God was faithful this week in our finances. Over and over our needs have been met and I want to be sure I'm giving God the glory!

We visited DH's family last month in California and our travel expenses were $637.60. I had set aside $200 in January and squeezed another $10.12 to pay toward this cost. When DH took over the finances a few weeks ago I explained that we still had to come up with $427.48. He was frustrated that we hadn't had the money in advance of the trip (and he is totally right!) and listed a few options of places we might "find" money to cover this cost. Then I had to pay annual payroll taxes for our business and those options disappeared as I wrote a check to Uncle Sam.

On Tuesday morning we prayed about our finances, specifically about this outstanding bill and about a much larger expense we are anticipating this summer. In the mail that day, we received a check for $302.81. It was an insurance refund related to expenses back in December 2009! I also received a payment that day of $39.63 for some babysitting I had done in January. Finally, DH was signed up to participate in a focus group that night, but the company ended up not needing him. We couldn't believe it when he was paid $85 for his trouble anyway. In total we were needed $427.48 and the day we prayed about it God provided $427.44! Isn't God good?

Also on Tuesday . . . DH found out that he had won an award at work that came with a monetary bonus. That bonus will be saved toward that large expense we're anticipating this summer. God is already meeting that need, too.

He is faithful to meet our needs! Philipians 4:19 says "And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Amen.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pantry Challenge 2011! Update

I have so much food stockpiled that the Pantry Challenge 2011! hasn't been a huge challenge in regard to creative meal planning. The biggest challenges we've run into include running out of "kid" cereal - at our house that means non-sugar stuff like rice krispies, cheerios, and kix - and running out of raisins. We've been eating a lot of oatmeal with dried cranberries in it!

I have been challenged, however, with my grocery shopping and trying to keep my perishable purchases under $20. So far I haven't managed it, but I've been close!

I am buying less milk, less produce, and skipping really great deals! To make up for less produce we're eating canned peaches, pears, and applesauce from last summer. It might sound strange to you, but I am supremely proud of myself for not buying a pound of butter for $1.49 at TOP last weekend. I never see butter at that low price, but I have about 10 pounds in the freezer and the whole point of the Pantry Challenge 2011! is to use what I have and not add to it!

I also reviewed the contents of my pantry this weekend. I haven't done that since DD#4 was born back in September so I was really pleased to find that I only had a few expired things like teriyaki sauce, salad dressing, a can of cranberry sauce and a box of rice-a-roni. I have a few more things I need to use in March so I'm already planning my meals for next month (since this month's are already all planned). I still need to dig into the freezer and find out what's lurking there. Maybe next week . . .

How is the challenge going for you? Does anyone want to have a challenge in March? I'm definitely continuing my own challenge into March.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Albertsons Double Coupons

Well it wasn't my best double coupon shopping ever, but thought I'd still share with you.

Scott Paper Towels 8 pack - $7.49 on sale ($1.00 MC doubled) = $5.49

Colgate Total toothpaste - $2.50 on sale ($.75 MC doubled) = $1.00
Buddig turkey - 16 oz - $1.99 on clearance ($.75 MC doubled) = $.49

I only buy paper towels about once a year because we really don't use them much. I was pleased to get these particular ones though because they're those "pick-your-size" type with really short towels. Now I can use even less!
I was bummed that my $1.00 Total coupon was expired so I had to settle for the $.75 off instead.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Recycle Stained, Worn Clothing

I generally donate our old clothing to local thrift stores. These thrift stores universally ask that you only donate useable clothing/household items and one of my favorites has a sign posted that says "If you wouldn't want to buy it, don't donate it." This is because unusable items are basically trash and the thrift stores have to foot a dump bill for those donations they can't sell. If you're trying to help a charity, you don't give them your trash! You're only costing them money.

OK - off the soapbox. All of this to say that I hate throwing clothing items away because another American won't buy it at a thrift store. A few years ago I saw a picture of some kids in Africa and one of them was wearing a little girl's Ariel nightgown like a shirt. I have wondered how clothing gets to these places. I have wondered if a warm sweater with a stain on the sleeve wouldn't be useful to someone, somewhere as I throw it in the trash because it's not 'good enough' for the thrift store.

Thanks to my friend, Denise, I learned about a donation alternative to these 'too used' textile items. There is a great company called Retex whose mission is to help people and the environment through textile recycling. This company has over 150 donation boxes in King & Snohomish counties, so donating is easy! The clothing and shoes are sorted and used for a variety of purposes including secondhand use in poor countries, industrial cleaning rags, recycled fibers into new products, and recycled fibers into insulation products. Only 5% of items donated to Retex end up in a landfill!

The website is full of great information if you want to poke around. I will be taking my 'too-used' items to the Woodinville Park'n'Ride donation bin in the future and feeling much better about not tossing things in the trash!

p.s. Seattle is pretty good about recycling, in general, compared to the rest of the United States. Here's a neat article if you want to pat yourself on the back for living and recycling here!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Shopping This Week $26.35

I am really trying to stick to $20/week for groceries while I am doing the Pantry Challenge 2011! This week I was foiled by a couple last minute items I needed to pick up for a Super Bowl party. I had spent a big chunk of the $20 just as the week started! Poor planning definitely hit me in the pocketbook this week.

This week's shopping included:
3 1/2 gallons organic milk - $2.29 each
ice cream - $1.99 (to go with peach pie - company for dinner)
onion - $.69/lb
pizza sauce - $.89 on clearance (kids love 'pizzas' on whole wheat english muffins)
whipping cream - $2.29 (for Super Bowl dessert)
creamer - $1.69
2 pie crusts - $1.49 on clearance (for meal swap)
2 boxes go-gurt - $1.77 sale ($.75/2 MC) = $1.39 each or $.14 per tube
sour cream - $1.50 sale ($.40 MC) = $1.10 (for Super Bowl)
bananas - $.69/lb

not pictured: green onions & shredded cheese for super bowl party, too.

Lesson Learned: Safeway coupons are only good if you spend at least $10. I made sure I had spent $10 only to discover that 'liquid diary products' are not included in that $10! The cashier graciously gave me the coupon discounts anyway, but I'll have to remember that for the future!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday Project - Maternity Clothes Out!

Oh yeah! You read that right! I know it's not much of a project, but I am so very happy to say goodbye to my maternity clothes. I finally am to my pre-baby #4 weight and I have rewarded myself with my old clothes. Yahoo!

Anybody need maternity clothes? A few mediums, a few larges, and lots of extra large. Mostly summer season.
