Monday, June 23, 2014

2014 Week 25 Groceries - $82.75

It was a crazy week with a major construction project and a trip to Canada for the  weekend.  Here's what my kitchen looked like for a few days this week:

I stopped in at QFC Monday evening because we were out of bananas and my kids were asking for them.  I also picked up onion because I was out and grapes that were on sale.  The lemons & limes were on clearance.  I spent $8.40.

I was at at Costco on Tuesday with the girls.  I bought chip, more bananas, a watermelon for the weekend, our favorite veggie straws, yeast because I'm almost out, and the necessary item - gluten free flour.  I spent $31.24.

Wednesday was the day with the gaping hole in the kitchen floor so I tried to keep the kids out all day.  We went to Champion Foods in Issaquah - Oh, how I love to visit their store!  I found some GF cereal for $1.25/box, GF chips for $.33 each, some GF seasoned peanuts for $1.00, GF Organic & loccal granola for $1.00/box, local GF fruit leather for $0.30 each (perfect for roadtrips), and GF aluminum free baking powder for $1.00.  Altogether I spent just $20.50!

Thursday I took the girls out again for the bulk of the day.  One of our stops was an oil change at Wal-Mart where I also picked up a sack of potatoes and some ice cream treats for the girls.  Those items were $5.74.  

It's interesting to note that it actually costs less (and more likely healthier) to get the girls a box of Skinny Cow ice cream bars than it would have for the McDonald's ice cream sundaes we had planned to buy.  I'll remember that in the future! 

Unfortunately, I bought the ice cream without thinking about gluten and I paid for it with DD#2 all afternoon and evening.  There was a little cone on the bottom of the treat and I should have just asked her to eat the ice cream part and throw the cone away.  Live and learn.  It was a good affirmation though that we ARE doing the right thing for her by removing gluten from her diet.  Her emotional responses were so out of control just from those few bites!  It was a good reminder, too, to be thankful for how far we have come and and to be proud of how hard she normally works to keep in control of her emotions.  Love our girl and love that being GF isn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be.

Our milk was $12.87 and I didn't buy eggs from Sarah.

DH bought more milk while I was in Canada.  It was at Costco 1% conventional so I think about $4.00?

Total Week 25 Groceries - $82.75
Year-to-Date 2014 Groceries -  $1,809.58
Weekly Average - $72.38


Sunday, June 15, 2014

2014 Week 24 Groceries - $127.73

We are eating tortilla chips like crazy now that DD#2 is gluten-free.  The peanut butter & jelly sandwiches I used to give the kids a time or two per week have been replaced by chips & cheese.
Naturally, I made a Costco run for chips & cheese.  I also bought tortillas and these veggies straws that we love.   The veggie straws didn't make the picture.  I spent $28.75

Somehow I missed a photo of another quick trip late Monday night.  DD#2 was out of milk so I picked some up for her along with some salad dressing, tomatoes, and a cucumber.  I spent $6.69.

I took the girls to pick strawberries on Tuesday.  I found an organic u-pick farm not too far from home that had strawberries for $3.50/lb.  These were $34.75.

Next was a trip to Fred Meyer because I was out of pectin!  I'm generally pretty good at keeping staples stocked so I get a little irritated with myself when I'm unexpectedly out of something - like when I  have beautiful fresh strawberries and I can't make jam because I'm out of pectin.  We found clearance cornflakes and gluten free pasta.  I picked up organic sugar for the jam, too.  I spent $22.88 this trip.
This was a  drop in at Albertsons because I needed eggs.  I found a piece of clearance beef and got all these yogurts for free!  They were marked down to $0.50 and had $0.50 peelies on them.  Yay!  I spent just $5.52 on all this.

And today I had a shopping trip to Fred Meyer because I keep missing my friend at church and I'm desperate for eggs!  I spent $16.27.

Milk was $12.87 and there were no eggs.

Total Spending for Week 24: $127.73
Total Spending year-to-date 2014: $1,726.83
Average Weekly Spending to date: $71.95


Friday, June 13, 2014

All You: 13 Surprising Things You Can Wash in Your Washing Machine

I read this article on the All You website this week and thought it was full of good ideas! 

I have used my washer for many items other than clothing, and found this list to be comprehensive.  Be sure to visit their website to see the actual article and some washing instructions.

Here's the List from the website:
1. Stuffed animals: If you have a little one, or a dog or cat, you can toss their lovies in the washing machine for a deep cleaning.
2. Sneakers: Give your sneakers a good cleaning and add them to the wash. Pair them with a few towels to keep your washing machine balanced — and cut back on all the potential banging.
3. Pillows: Your bedroom pillows are also safe to add to the wash. Not sure what to do? Follow these easy cleaning directions.
4. Backpacks: Cloth and nylon backpacks are also safe to add to your washing machine. Just double-check for any plastic parts, and keep the water set at cold to prevent any melting or shrinkage.
5. Rubber-backed rugs: The rubber-backed rugs in your bathroom or kitchen are also safe to wash in the washing machine. And washing them monthly gets rid of any lingering mold or mildew.
6. Curtains: Add washing your fabric curtains to your seasonal cleaning checklist, and launder them in the washing machine. But if they have liners, or tags that suggest that they should be dry-cleaned only, take them to the cleaners.
7. Chair cushions: If your kitchen or dining room chair cushions are tie-ons, you can safely clean them in the washing machine when spills happen.
8. Car mats: Refresh your car mats, and give them a spin in your washing machine.
9. Plastic shower curtain: Plastic shower curtains and liners are the worst to clean. Make it easy on yourself, and wash them in cold water with help from your washing machine.
10. Gym bag: Cloth or nylon gym bags are also safe to wash in the washing machine.
11. Yoga mat: Keep the funk away and toss your yoga mat in the washing machine. And DIY this easy yoga mat spray to keep your mat fresh between washings.
12. Fabric bags: After removing all your stuff, fabric shoulder bags get a much-deserved cleaning in the washing machine. Air-dry to avoid any shrinkage — especially if your bag has a zipper.
13. Feather bed: Even your feather bed can go in the washing machine. Follow these easy cleaning directions to refresh yours.
- See more at:
  1. Stuffed Animals
  2. Sneakers
  3. Pillows
  4. Backpacks
  5. Rubber-backed Rugs
  6. Curtains
  7. Chair Cushions
  8. Car Mats
  9. Plastic Shower Curtains and Liners
  10. Gym Bag
  11. Yoga Mat
  12. Fabric Bags
  13. Feather Bed
And here are my additional thoughts:
  • If you wash a stuffed animal with plastic eyes or nose I recommend stuffing the animal into a pillowcase or into a sock.  The fabric will protect the plastic from getting too banged up.
  • You don't have to put your sneakers into the dryer after washing.  I usually let them air dry so they don't "kick" open the dryer door getting thrown around.
  • My kids have cheap pillows.  They get lumpy and bumpy after they get agitated and spun.  And they get agitated and spun, what with the barf and peed beds that accompany children.  Try the gentle cycle and air dry or gentle dry.
  • Our rubber backed bathroom rugs eventually started to shed their rubber bottoms after too many washings.  Treat them nicely, eg gentle in the washer and let them air dry.  
  • Watch out for plastics/rubber in the dryer in general.  They'll melt if they get too hot.  
  • DO PLEASE wash your reusable grocery bags.  They are full of germs and should be washed regularly!
Have a  beautiful day!

1. Stuffed animals: If you have a little one, or a dog or cat, you can toss their lovies in the washing machine for a deep cleaning.
2. Sneakers: Give your sneakers a good cleaning and add them to the wash. Pair them with a few towels to keep your washing machine balanced — and cut back on all the potential banging.
3. Pillows: Your bedroom pillows are also safe to add to the wash. Not sure what to do? Follow these easy cleaning directions.
4. Backpacks: Cloth and nylon backpacks are also safe to add to your washing machine. Just double-check for any plastic parts, and keep the water set at cold to prevent any melting or shrinkage.
5. Rubber-backed rugs: The rubber-backed rugs in your bathroom or kitchen are also safe to wash in the washing machine. And washing them monthly gets rid of any lingering mold or mildew.
6. Curtains: Add washing your fabric curtains to your seasonal cleaning checklist, and launder them in the washing machine. But if they have liners, or tags that suggest that they should be dry-cleaned only, take them to the cleaners.
7. Chair cushions: If your kitchen or dining room chair cushions are tie-ons, you can safely clean them in the washing machine when spills happen.
8. Car mats: Refresh your car mats, and give them a spin in your washing machine.
9. Plastic shower curtain: Plastic shower curtains and liners are the worst to clean. Make it easy on yourself, and wash them in cold water with help from your washing machine.
10. Gym bag: Cloth or nylon gym bags are also safe to wash in the washing machine.
11. Yoga mat: Keep the funk away and toss your yoga mat in the washing machine. And DIY this easy yoga mat spray to keep your mat fresh between washings.
12. Fabric bags: After removing all your stuff, fabric shoulder bags get a much-deserved cleaning in the washing machine. Air-dry to avoid any shrinkage — especially if your bag has a zipper.
13. Feather bed: Even your feather bed can go in the washing machine. Follow these easy cleaning directions to refresh yours.
- See more at:
By Sarah Lipoff
Everyone knows clothes get washed in the washing machine, but you might be surprised to know there are several other household items that you can toss in there, too. You’ll save time and money and love how fresh and clean these items are after a quick spin in your machine.
1. Stuffed animals: If you have a little one, or a dog or cat, you can toss their lovies in the washing machine for a deep cleaning.
2. Sneakers: Give your sneakers a good cleaning and add them to the wash. Pair them with a few towels to keep your washing machine balanced — and cut back on all the potential banging.
3. Pillows: Your bedroom pillows are also safe to add to the wash. Not sure what to do? Follow these easy cleaning directions.
4. Backpacks: Cloth and nylon backpacks are also safe to add to your washing machine. Just double-check for any plastic parts, and keep the water set at cold to prevent any melting or shrinkage.
5. Rubber-backed rugs: The rubber-backed rugs in your bathroom or kitchen are also safe to wash in the washing machine. And washing them monthly gets rid of any lingering mold or mildew.
6. Curtains: Add washing your fabric curtains to your seasonal cleaning checklist, and launder them in the washing machine. But if they have liners, or tags that suggest that they should be dry-cleaned only, take them to the cleaners.
7. Chair cushions: If your kitchen or dining room chair cushions are tie-ons, you can safely clean them in the washing machine when spills happen.
8. Car mats: Refresh your car mats, and give them a spin in your washing machine.
9. Plastic shower curtain: Plastic shower curtains and liners are the worst to clean. Make it easy on yourself, and wash them in cold water with help from your washing machine.
10. Gym bag: Cloth or nylon gym bags are also safe to wash in the washing machine.
11. Yoga mat: Keep the funk away and toss your yoga mat in the washing machine. And DIY this easy yoga mat spray to keep your mat fresh between washings.
12. Fabric bags: After removing all your stuff, fabric shoulder bags get a much-deserved cleaning in the washing machine. Air-dry to avoid any shrinkage — especially if your bag has a zipper.
13. Feather bed: Even your feather bed can go in the washing machine. Follow these easy cleaning directions to refresh yours.

- See more at:
By Sarah Lipoff
Everyone knows clothes get washed in the washing machine, but you might be surprised to know there are several other household items that you can toss in there, too. You’ll save time and money and love how fresh and clean these items are after a quick spin in your machine.
1. Stuffed animals: If you have a little one, or a dog or cat, you can toss their lovies in the washing machine for a deep cleaning.
2. Sneakers: Give your sneakers a good cleaning and add them to the wash. Pair them with a few towels to keep your washing machine balanced — and cut back on all the potential banging.
3. Pillows: Your bedroom pillows are also safe to add to the wash. Not sure what to do? Follow these easy cleaning directions.
4. Backpacks: Cloth and nylon backpacks are also safe to add to your washing machine. Just double-check for any plastic parts, and keep the water set at cold to prevent any melting or shrinkage.
5. Rubber-backed rugs: The rubber-backed rugs in your bathroom or kitchen are also safe to wash in the washing machine. And washing them monthly gets rid of any lingering mold or mildew.
6. Curtains: Add washing your fabric curtains to your seasonal cleaning checklist, and launder them in the washing machine. But if they have liners, or tags that suggest that they should be dry-cleaned only, take them to the cleaners.
7. Chair cushions: If your kitchen or dining room chair cushions are tie-ons, you can safely clean them in the washing machine when spills happen.
8. Car mats: Refresh your car mats, and give them a spin in your washing machine.
9. Plastic shower curtain: Plastic shower curtains and liners are the worst to clean. Make it easy on yourself, and wash them in cold water with help from your washing machine.
10. Gym bag: Cloth or nylon gym bags are also safe to wash in the washing machine.
11. Yoga mat: Keep the funk away and toss your yoga mat in the washing machine. And DIY this easy yoga mat spray to keep your mat fresh between washings.
12. Fabric bags: After removing all your stuff, fabric shoulder bags get a much-deserved cleaning in the washing machine. Air-dry to avoid any shrinkage — especially if your bag has a zipper.
13. Feather bed: Even your feather bed can go in the washing machine. Follow these easy cleaning directions to refresh yours.

- See more at:
By Sarah Lipoff
Everyone knows clothes get washed in the washing machine, but you might be surprised to know there are several other household items that you can toss in there, too. You’ll save time and money and love how fresh and clean these items are after a quick spin in your machine.
1. Stuffed animals: If you have a little one, or a dog or cat, you can toss their lovies in the washing machine for a deep cleaning.
2. Sneakers: Give your sneakers a good cleaning and add them to the wash. Pair them with a few towels to keep your washing machine balanced — and cut back on all the potential banging.
3. Pillows: Your bedroom pillows are also safe to add to the wash. Not sure what to do? Follow these easy cleaning directions.
4. Backpacks: Cloth and nylon backpacks are also safe to add to your washing machine. Just double-check for any plastic parts, and keep the water set at cold to prevent any melting or shrinkage.
5. Rubber-backed rugs: The rubber-backed rugs in your bathroom or kitchen are also safe to wash in the washing machine. And washing them monthly gets rid of any lingering mold or mildew.
6. Curtains: Add washing your fabric curtains to your seasonal cleaning checklist, and launder them in the washing machine. But if they have liners, or tags that suggest that they should be dry-cleaned only, take them to the cleaners.
7. Chair cushions: If your kitchen or dining room chair cushions are tie-ons, you can safely clean them in the washing machine when spills happen.
8. Car mats: Refresh your car mats, and give them a spin in your washing machine.
9. Plastic shower curtain: Plastic shower curtains and liners are the worst to clean. Make it easy on yourself, and wash them in cold water with help from your washing machine.
10. Gym bag: Cloth or nylon gym bags are also safe to wash in the washing machine.
11. Yoga mat: Keep the funk away and toss your yoga mat in the washing machine. And DIY this easy yoga mat spray to keep your mat fresh between washings.
12. Fabric bags: After removing all your stuff, fabric shoulder bags get a much-deserved cleaning in the washing machine. Air-dry to avoid any shrinkage — especially if your bag has a zipper.
13. Feather bed: Even your feather bed can go in the washing machine. Follow these easy cleaning directions to refresh yours.

- See more at:
By Sarah Lipoff
Everyone knows clothes get washed in the washing machine, but you might be surprised to know there are several other household items that you can toss in there, too. You’ll save time and money and love how fresh and clean these items are after a quick spin in your machine.
1. Stuffed animals: If you have a little one, or a dog or cat, you can toss their lovies in the washing machine for a deep cleaning.
2. Sneakers: Give your sneakers a good cleaning and add them to the wash. Pair them with a few towels to keep your washing machine balanced — and cut back on all the potential banging.
3. Pillows: Your bedroom pillows are also safe to add to the wash. Not sure what to do? Follow these easy cleaning directions.
4. Backpacks: Cloth and nylon backpacks are also safe to add to your washing machine. Just double-check for any plastic parts, and keep the water set at cold to prevent any melting or shrinkage.
5. Rubber-backed rugs: The rubber-backed rugs in your bathroom or kitchen are also safe to wash in the washing machine. And washing them monthly gets rid of any lingering mold or mildew.
6. Curtains: Add washing your fabric curtains to your seasonal cleaning checklist, and launder them in the washing machine. But if they have liners, or tags that suggest that they should be dry-cleaned only, take them to the cleaners.
7. Chair cushions: If your kitchen or dining room chair cushions are tie-ons, you can safely clean them in the washing machine when spills happen.
8. Car mats: Refresh your car mats, and give them a spin in your washing machine.
9. Plastic shower curtain: Plastic shower curtains and liners are the worst to clean. Make it easy on yourself, and wash them in cold water with help from your washing machine.
10. Gym bag: Cloth or nylon gym bags are also safe to wash in the washing machine.
11. Yoga mat: Keep the funk away and toss your yoga mat in the washing machine. And DIY this easy yoga mat spray to keep your mat fresh between washings.
12. Fabric bags: After removing all your stuff, fabric shoulder bags get a much-deserved cleaning in the washing machine. Air-dry to avoid any shrinkage — especially if your bag has a zipper.
13. Feather bed: Even your feather bed can go in the washing machine. Follow these easy cleaning directions to refresh yours.

- See more at:

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Gluten Free, Dairy Free Pizza

One our family favorites is homemade pizza.  We would have it pretty regularly back before DD#2's gluten sensitivity was identified.  Of course I wouldn't make a favorite and make DD#2 watch us eat it, so we've ALL been missing out on pizza.

I decided to finally give a gluten free pizza crust a try last week.  Of course I went to my new favorite cookbook: Gluten-Free on a Shoestring.  Let me recommend again that you buy this book if you're moving to a gluten free or lower gluten diet.  The author writes in plain English that's easy to understand and she includes lots of detailed tips.

I mixed 1 cup of all-purpose GF flour with xantham (Namaste), 1/2 tablespoon active dry yeast, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, and 1/4 teaspoon salt into my mixer's bowl.

Next I mixed 6 T. warm water with 1 1/2 T. olive oil in a measuring cup and poured it into the dry mixture in a steady stream while the mixer turned.  The dough didn't seem to stick together like I expected.  I eventually just scraped the sides down to force it into a single mass.

Then I drizzled some olive oil in this dish and pressed the dough into it in a "disc" shape and flipped it to coat the dough with olive oil.
Covered the bowl with saran wrap

Let rise in a warm, draft-free area until doubled.  I used the microwave and a hot dishrag.

After an hour it wasn't doubled, but it was bigger so it was good enough.

So I wrapped it all in saran wrap then and put it in the fridge to chill for another hour.

I was using my pizza stone for conventional pizza so I used silicone to roll the dough out.

The directions said to roll up a bit of a crust to make an edge.
 Then I put the silicone on a cookie sheet and "blind baked" the crust for 5 minutes at 400. 

Then I dressed the crispy crust with pasta sauce & pepperoni.
 I usually just use a jar of pasta sauce instead of pizza sauce.  It's much cheaper and does the trick.

I added the Daiya dairy-free cheese

Baked at 400 again for 7 minutes.  This cheese actually melts a little!
DD#2 was very happy to have pizza with her sisters.  I was very happy to have a half pizza leftover so I could make a gluten and dairy-filled dinner that night.   DD#2 was happy have to her pizza instead.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Garden Update

The garden is doing really well in this unseasonably beautiful weather.  I wish I could take credit, but it's really just Jesus and his amazing creation! 

How the garden looked yesterday:

A single, tiny cucumber

Some zucchini off to a good start

Early Girl tomato plant has 9 tomatoes already up to 2" across!



Bell pepper

This little bird has been hanging around a lot
Hooray!  Katie

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Garage Sale

So I had a garage sale last weekend.  It's a whole lot of work and much more fun if you have someone to share the work with.  I was thankful to have a friend come spend the day with me and she made a few bucks to boot. 

This is the inside of the garage - kid stuff on the left and adult clothing on the right. 

This is outside: books & games on the left, housewares and the kids' lemonade stand on the right.

I wish I'd had more and bigger stuff.  It's a lot of work to set up and advertise when there's just not that much to sell.  The tables were very empty by the end of the sale. 


Monday, June 9, 2014

Gluten-Free Menu Plan

A budget friendly, yummy gluten free and dairy free menu plan . . . *sigh*    Here we go:

Monday - Finger Food lunch (ham, olives, almond crackers, GF zucchini bread, pecans, carrot sticks)
Tuesday - Nachos with vegan cheese
Wednesday - GF/DF Macaroni & Cheese Pie
Thursday - Quesadillas
Friday - PBJ (GF Bread)
Saturday - Leftovers
Sunday - French Toast

Monday - Turkey/Couscous (not GF)/Asparagus
Tuesday - Taco Salad
Wednesday - Sausage Soup
Thursday - Crockpot Honey Sesame Chicken
Friday - Potluck - black bean & corn salad
Saturday - Hot Dogs
Sunday - Pizza for Father's Day (Mini-GF crust for DD#2)

What do I need to buy?   Not much - Hooray! 
Tortilla Chips at Costco
Tortillas (already have rice tortillas from TJs for DD#2)
Cheddar (shredded or brick)
Corn, Cilantro


Sunday, June 8, 2014

2014 Week 23 Groceries - $76.05

A lighter week - finally!

We were out of bananas so I thought I'd use my kiddo's therapy time Monday to visit the grocery store.  I hit the clearance jackpot with Activia Greek yogurt for $0.15/each!  And the 'best by' date was 5 days away.  I also found 3 packages of one pound lunch ham on clearance for $0.99 each!  Pretty crazy and awesome when I only was after bananas.  I spent $10.62.

DH was out of coffee creamer and since I'm such a nice wife I swung into the grocery store when I was out one night and a few more cups of yogurt on clearance.  I spent $5.53.

Then, on Thursday I stopped at Albertsons for the $0.97/lb grapes.  Cream cheese was only $0.50 and some yogurt was also on clearance for $0.50 with a $.50 peelie attached.  This trip was another $7.15.

I had a bigger trip to Fred Meyer to get cereal.  It was $1.67/box after sale and manufacturer coupons.  I also needed cocoa for dairy-free chocolate baking.   This trip was $21.54.

This was a quick trip to the Dollar Store for balloons, but I can't go to there without picking up pepperoni.  I spent $7.00 - One package was eaten by a starving mama and kid before I took the picture.

There's an Albertsons next to church so I stopped again today for more of those grapes at  $4.55.  I also picked up more creamer for the hubs and half & half for myself costing $4.79. 

Milk was $12.87 and no eggs, but DH picked up a carton for me so another $2.00.

Week 23 total: $76.05
2014 Year to date:  $1,599.10
Weekly average: $69.53
