Monday, February 27, 2017

2017 Groceries Week 8 - $94.58

There wasn't too much shopping this week since we were mostly out of town.

Monday I went to QFC to hit up their sale on creamer.  DH was nearly out of the stuff and I haven't yet found time to try that clean recipe I found.  I spent $1.99 on each bottle of creamer, a bag of Cheetos (not pictured), and a box of Cheerios.  On clearance, I found a pound of lunch ham for $2.39, 2 boxes of organic shells'n'cheese for $1.29 each, and the big score of nitrate-free bacon in 20 oz packages for $2.99.  These are normally up to $10.00 per package so I was happy to find them and bought 7 packages!  I also had 2-$1.00 off coupons for buying 'Simple Truth' meat,  a $0.55 coupon for lunchmeat, and a coffemate coupon, too.  I spent $42.08 this shopping trip.

I was at my aunt's outside Portland for a couple of days and one of my favorite places to visit there is the Eagle Store that gets Costco returns & mark-downs.  I found some great organic candy for $9.19, some 5 ingredient chocolate sauce for $4.29, and organic raisins for $4.49.  I felt pretty good about all of these items.

While we were out of town my mother-in-law was kindly prepared with gluten-free cereal for DD2 and had lots of milk & goodies on hand for the kids.  DH went to the store for a few more items and picked up 2 bags of corn chips, GF pasta, GF oreos, GF bread, DF cheese, a pound of ground turkey and another gallon of milk.  He spent $30.04.  I tried to take a picture but my battery died and I didn't want to leave the groceries out while the battery charged.

Week 8 Total: $94.58
YTD 2017 Total: $772.86
2017 Weekly Average: $96.61


Monday, February 20, 2017

2017 Groceries Week 7 - $295.88

Wow, I spent a lot this week.

I placed an Amazon now order on Tuesday because I was desperate for a new coffee bean grinder.  My husband loves the Ben Franklin quote, "Necessity makes the worst bargain." and it was true in this case.  I ended up paying about $17 for one to be quickly delivered instead of what would have much less expensive elsewhere.  The rest of the Amazon order included: GF pretzel, chips, bananas, regular and GF graham crackers, organic baby bars, brown sugar and marshmallows.  The food was $21.93.

Thursday, I raced around Costco with all 5 kids.  We were in and out in 18 minutes.  We bought tortilla chips, oatmeal, coconut milk, organic chicken thighs, organic eggs, rice crackers, cheese, and baking powder.  I spent $87.98.

I went to QFC with the girls Friday to pick up a GF/DF pizza.  They were going to a party with pizza and we intended to stop quickly then found all sorts of deals.  In addition to the pizza we bought this nitrate free sausage for $0.99/lb, some lunchmeat, and prepackaged fruit I sent to the party.  I spent $28.27.

I also made to Champion Foods - finally! I bought the organic ketchup I've been wanting and celery salt.  I found organic salsa, several bottles of organic salad dressing (including GF/DF French & Thousand Island), and DD2's favorite granola bars.  I also got an organic brownie mix and some gf/df apple muffins mixes.  The big find was GF rolled oats.  They had just received a shipment, but they didn't have the usual size I like to buy - the 25#, so I told him I'd take the 50# bag.  And I got it for a screaming deal (IMHO), of just $53.00 which works out to $1.06/lb.  I've been paying $3.00/lb or more for GF oats recently so I'm pretty happy about the price even if I'll have my storage buckets full of oats and probably one or two buckets occupied until next fall.  I spent a whopping $108.50.

Finally, I went to Fred Meyer on Sunday night to pick up carrots, refried beans, yogurt, & sour cream.  I ended up getting a pile of stuff.  Organic potatoes were on sale for $1.99 & i found clearance pears.  Organic bell peppers were $0.99 each as were cans of soup.  They're good for a quick lunch for DH. Organic diced tomatoes were $1.00, and I found good hot dogs on clearance so I also bought hot dog buns.  I bought frozen corn, oranges, a loaf of bread, sour cream, guacamole, pepperoni, fries, & cucumbers, too.  Phew! I spent $49.20.

Week 7 Total: $295.88
YTD 2017 Total: $678.28
Weekly Average: $96.90


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Pantry Challenge 2017 Wrap-up

I could have kept going with the Pantry Challenge, but for the sake of my sanity I've called it for this year.

Good stuff:

  • We used up a bit of 'quick oats' that have been hanging around for several years
  • I researched millet & learned how to cook it
  • I learned that there are some reasonable prices to be found with Amazon delivery
  • I found & used several items in the pantry that I'd forgotten about including chicken stock, pickles, and frosting.
  • We rediscovered pasta & red sauce. Cheap!
  • My kids love pancakes.  Cheap!
  • We used several gallon bags of freezer fruit.
  • My kids like blueberry muffins.
  • There are no longer Costco packs of food on the floor of my pantry - everything fits on the shelves.  
  • There isn't much food "hiding" behind other things anymore.
Not so successful: 
  • I have a lot of gluten-free pie crust mix and I didn't use ANY.
  • I have a lot of rice cakes and we barely dented them.
  • I still have ridiculous amounts of freezer fruit.
  • I was being so careful with the budget that my kids were missing milk and I didn't buy much in the way of fresh produce.  

Sunday, February 12, 2017

2017 Groceries Week 6 - $185.46

Yeesh!  I had shopped AND had groceries delivered twice this week.

Monday I went to QFC for hot dog buns, oatmeal, & taco stuff.  I was pleased to find a bag of clearance organic apples & a bag of bell peppers.  I also got fresh mozzarella which is a mama treat.  I bought bananas, tortillas, guacamole, salsa, tortilla chips, & whipping cream.  I spent $12.41.  Now that I'm looking at the receipt it looks like I didn't get charged for the oatmeal, whipping cream, hot dog buns, or mozzarella!  How did that happen?!? I went through the check stand!

I went to Haggen Tuesday for milk.  I also bought organic russet potatoes for $0.89/lb and organic roma tomatoes for $0.89/lb.  My DF kiddo was with me and asked for sour cream substitute so we got that, too.  I paid $15.04 on this shopping trip.

I ordered Amazon Prime Now on Wednesday.  I spent $24.52 on: gallon of whole milk, 2 packages of shredded Daiya cheese, a box of triscuits, 2 tubs of Earth Balance, bananas & a bottle of organic ketchup.  No Photo.

I also tried out Amazon Pantry this week.  It was delivered on Friday.  I liked that I could use coupons and that the prices were good.  For example, I paid $7.49 recently for Bob's Red Mill GF rolled oats, but the AP price was $5.99.  The organic ketchup was $2.58, Nature Valley granola bars were $4.50, the Quaker granola bar value packs were $3.74 each.  These were all $32.53.

Friday I went to the store for the items needed for our Bible study potluck that night.  I bought chips, green onions, & sour cream for that.  I also found nitrate-free bacon on clearance so I bought 3 packages.  I also bought 3 clearance organic apples for $1.00, clearance organic milk for $3.29, clearance organic cottage cheese for $1.79, and clearance protein wrap for $0.79 with a $0.50 peelie making it just $0.29.  I also picked up saltines & chicken breast which were on sale.  I spent $27.16.

I went to Fred Meyer Saturday because we needed creamer, brown sugar, and marshmallows.  I remembered to buy the creamer and found a whole bunch of other stuff.  My best find were double packs of pizzas for $3.59 each.  I bought 7 packs.  I also bought chicken nuggets, chocolate milk, & cheap tortillas.  I found udi's muffins on clearance (yay!), more nitrate-free bacon, english muffins, 3 organic apples, lunchmeat & 2 organic whole chickens - all on clearance.  I also got a backup sour supreme.  I spent a whopping $73.80.
Total for Week 6: $185.46
2017  YTD Total: $382.40
Weekly Average: $63.73


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Menu Plan - Late!

Here it is Tuesday night, but a menu plan will still help for the rest of the week!

Monday - Haystacks (leftover taco meat from Superbowl)
Tuesday - Chili (leftover taco meat from Superbowl, dry beans in pantry, fritos in pantry)
Wednesday - Pot Roast (meat in freezer, lots of potatoes, carrots, onions)
Thursday - Pancakes & Sausage (sausage in freezer)
Friday - Small Group Bible study potluck - I'm signed up for a side dish, but I don't know what yet
Saturday - Beef Stew
Sunday - popcorn & smoothie

Monday - Mac & Cheese
Tuesday - Noodles & Red Sauce
Wednesday - Pizza
Thursday - Italian Sausage soup
Friday - Hot dogs, fruit
Saturday - Fajitas
Sunday - Leftovers


Monday, February 6, 2017

2017 Groceries Week 5 - $47.37

I made a 'big' shopping trip on Monday to Fred Meyer.  We were out of cream & bananas.  I hadn't looked at the ad but was happy to see a great sale!  I spent $21.77 on all this.  Cheese was $0.99 for 8oz, eggs were $0.99 for 18, yogurt was $0.33, sour cream was $1.25, mangoes were $1.00, and I found apples & bananas on clearance.  I also found Kerrygold cheese for $2.05 and it was a delicious late night snack for mama 4 nights this week.

That great sale only lasted through Wednesday so I went back for more cheese and mangoes on Wednesday.  I also bought organic milk, bananas, a green bell pepper ($1.25 for organic), and some fresh mozzarella on clearance.  Yummo.  I spent $16.62.

DH ran out to the store Saturday night for milk & coffee creamer.  He spent $8.98.

Total for Week 5: $47.37
YTD 2017 Total: $196.94
Weekly Average: $39.39


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

GF/DF Menu Plan from pantry & freezer

Late this week, but late is much better than no plan at all.  Still working out of the pantry & freezer

Soft Tacos
Chicken Curry/Rice
Saucy Chicken in crockpot (babysitter)
Enchilada Casserole (DH on dinner & these are already made)
Popcorn & smoothie after Superbowl

Macaroni & Cheese
Hot dogs/Sausages/Fruit
Sausage Soup
Chicken Nuggets?  Leftovers? (DH again)
Superbowl party - taking ground beef & cheese

Breakfasts: We're almost out of oatmeal.  I need another 25# or 50# bag.

Snacks: Smoothies, Lemon Blueberry Loaf, GF Cupcakes, Cookies

I can't believe how much food is still in our freezer.  It feels like progress is slow, but I know I'm pulling at least one thing every day.  I might have to keep a lot of this up through February to keep using up the stockpile.


Monday, January 30, 2017

2017 Groceries Week 4 - $54.86

I went to Haggen Tuesday for the organic potatoes & local white cheddar that were on sale.  I also bought organic celery, organic zucchni, and a few bananas.  I spent $20.65

Thursday I was at Fred Meyer to pick up DH some coffee creamer. I also bought a bag of potatoes because I was making mashed potatoes for our small group Bible study diiner.  While there I splurged on a $0.99 chocolate milk, another gallon of organic whole milk, and a frozen pizza for DD2 that was on sale for $5.35 instead of $8.00.  I also got red band bananas and a lemon so I could make lemon blueberry loaf.  I spent $21.43.

And I thought I was done for the week and close to $40.00, but as we headed home from church Sunday I decided to stop for a couple things including more milk, GF rolled oats, & a loaf of bread.  I spent $12.78.

Week 4 Total: $54.86
YTD 2017 Total: $149.57
Weekly Average: $37.39
