Monday, April 24, 2017

2017 Groceries Week 16 - $189.49

Week 16 was great around here.  I did lots of LuLaRoe research, including buying a new ipad (eep!), school got done and we even managed a field trip and a sleepover.  It feels pretty good when things are in balance-ish.

OK - I went to Fred Meyer Sunday night for milk and mustard.  I ended up buying tons.
Organic milk - 5.97/gallon
cereal - $3/5 each and I had a MC for $2/5 so they were $1.27 each.
brown sugar - $1.67 each
mustard - $0.99
refried beans - $0.87
brownie mix - $1.25 each
Daiya cheddar shreds - $4.57
nitrate free bacon - $2.79/8 oz package on clearance
lunchmeat ham - $2.09/16 oz package on clearance
cheese - $1.50/8oz package
darigold no-dye cheddar - $4.99/24 oz
nitrate free smoked sausage - $2.50
organic hot dogs (Applegate) - $3.39 on clearance (9 packages!)
organic baby yogurt - $2.29 for 6packs on clearance
gluten free bread - $2.19
bananas - $0.59/lb

I had ordered from Amazon Pantry last week when battling a cold.  It arrived Tuesday including: Brookside candies - $9.99 for 30 packets
Corn Flakes - $2.00 after MC
Chewy Granola Bars - $3.74 each
Starburst - $1.98/pack
Veggie straws - $2.52

The food was $27.93.

I popped into QFC Friday morning for parsely and rushed around to clearance areas.  I intentionally didn't grab a cart, but managed to spend $16.85 on clearance pico de gallo, $1.99, clearance deli chicken, $2.69, clearance Caprese salad for $1.29 each, and organic ground turkey for just $0.99/lb!

Finally, I shopped once more on Sunday evening, late after book club.  I spent $40.62.
bread - $1.69 each on sale
organic cheese - $2.99/8oz package on clearance
nitrate free sausage - $0.99 on clearance
half & half - $0.99 on clearance for half-gallon
organic sourdough - $2.09
organic macaroni - $1.69
gluten free brownie mix - $2.49
ham lunch meat - $3.29/lb
canned tomato sauce - $0.39 each

I spent a big $189.49 this week!
YTD Total: $1,883.98
Weekly Average: $117.75


Monday, April 17, 2017

GF/DF Menu Plan

Plan for the week.  I'm busy researching & learning about LulaRoe and related technology.  The scariest part for me is technology.  I love to talk to people. I don't mind asking for help & praying like crazy. I'm looking forward to helping ladies feel good about clothes and working my tail off to get this product in front of as many people as possible.  But wow, the technology piece is scary.  I have to learn new software, new apps, and a lot of LLR things run on apple apps.  I've never owned Apple products since my husband works for Microsoft.  I also have to learn how to do live feeds, Instagram, and something called periscope.  So I've got major work to do!

Monday - Corndogs/fries
Tuesday - Sausages
Wednesday - Finger Food Lunch
Thursday - Pizza/hot dog
Friday - Sausage soup
Saturday - Daddy's choice
Sunday - Quesadillas

Monday - Beef Stew
Tuesday - Macaroni & Cheese
Wednesday - Macaronada
Thursday - Pancakes
Friday - Saucy Chicken
Saturday - Mexican Dip
Sunday - Popcorn & Smoothies (Dad's Office)


2017 Groceries Week 15 - $102.01

Just one shopping trip this week.  Mama was feeling puny with a bad cold so we stayed home from most things.

I was at QFC Friday morning for milk again, but found all sorts of things.  They were having a "Buy 6,save $3.00" sale so I bought 4 coffee creamers and 2 boxes of Ritz crackers.  GF corndogs have been on my list for ages so I finally bough them and french fries, and I picked up another package of the $5.99/lb organic chicken breast.  On clearance I found organic yogurt tubes for $2.29/box of 8, summer sausage for $1.99, lunchmeat ham for $1.99, organic yogurt tub for $2.39, and coconut curry chicken for the microwave for $3.59 each.  I spent $62.01 in total after store coupons I'd gotten in the mail for $1.50 off organic chicken, $0.50 off frozen potatoes, $0.50 off lunch meat, and $1.00 off Foster Farms corndogs.

I also have been meaning to add in Girl Scout Cookies that I bought last month.  My good friend's kids were selling them so I bought 8 boxes for $40 total.

Week 15 Total: $102.01
YTD 2017 Total: $1,694.49
Weekly Average: $112.97

2017 Groceries Week 14 - $99.16

I haven't posted for 2 weeks so I have two weeks of groceries to get through tonight.  I'm exhausted.  DH and I have been staying up late the last couple of weeks researching, watching videos, and learning about LulaRoe.  I'm planning to start a business and we're 95% committed.

OK - Monday of Week 14 I went to Fred Meyer for their eggs on sale.  I wanted some for Easter.  I also bought an organic cumber, a pound of butter, bread, zucchini, clearance Pink Lady apples, clearance mango, a gallon or organic milk, bananas, cucumbers, & zucchini. I spent $24.74.

Wedneday I dropped to QFC for items needed for company coming for dinner Thursday including milk, potatoes, whipped topping, green onion & sour cream.  I was happy to find some organic milk on clearance and the organic sour cream on clearance.  I had all the kids with me so I got talked into potato chips.  I also bought creamer, bell peppers on clearance. & tomatoes on clearance.  I spent $41.20.

I was back at QFC Friday morning because I had forgotten a couple things on Wednesday including df sour cream and a gf/df pizzas.  I also found a tub of organic cream cheese on clearance.  No photo. I spent $15.67.

One more time to QFC on Saturday for  a kiddo date.  I bought organic chicken breast on sale for $5.99/lb and found croissants, organic cottage cheese, and cheese curds all on clearance.  I spent $17.55.

Week 14 Total; $99.16
YTD 2017 Total: $1,592.48
Weekly Average: $113.75


p.s. Sorry for the stretched images. I downloaded from my phone and they're not formatting the usual way.

Monday, April 3, 2017

2017 Groceries Week 13 - $119.75

Week 13

I avoided the store the first couple days of the week, but dashed into QFC for 2 gallons of milk on Wednesday.  Seriously, dashed in & out on the way to an appointment for one of the kids.  2 gallons of organic whole milk were $11.98

Thursday I was back at QFC, but this time it was while another kiddo was in a 30 minute appointment on a packed day.  We dropped off DD4, raced to the store, zipped in (with 4 kids), grabbed 3 items, & zipped out.  I spent $5.70 on bananas, eggs, & brown sugar.

I spent $18.37 at QFC on Friday night.  I found a bunch of stuff on clearance including toddler cookies, campbell's soup, 3 apples, several candies, lots of string cheese, and skinny girl chocolate  candies. Lots of good bargains!

Sunday afternoon I went to Costco. I spent $83.70 on groceries, but used a big rebate to only actually spend $17.53.  I'm recording the $83.70 though to try and keep my grocery cost accurate.  I bought an 8 pack of organic spaghetti, 2 cases of organic tomatoes, a case of organic black beans, cooking spray, organic chicken thighs, organic carrots, organic peanut butter, organic yellow onions, organic hummus, onion powder and organic tortilla chips.

Week 13 Total: $119.75
YTD 2017: $1,493.32
Weekly Average: $114.87


Monday, March 27, 2017

GF/DF Menu Plan

Typical week, not too busy.

Monday - Stuffed Shells, Pizza pasta for DD2
Tuesday - Teriyaki Chicken
Wednesday - Beef Stew
Thursday - Taco Soup
Friday - Pizza
Saturday - Saucy Chicken
Sunday - Popcorn & Smoothies

Monday - Organic chicken sausage
Tuesday - Nachos
Wednesday - Waffles
Thursday - Corndogs
Friday - Finger food lunch
Saturday - Italian sausage soup
Sunday - packed lunch, likely leftovers


Sunday, March 26, 2017

2017 Groceries Week 12 - $122.51

Typical week this week.

My friend who gleans shared some items with me including a loaf of organic bread, a box of organic grape tomatoes, organic potatoes, & bananas.  I was thankful to get it and I worked it into my meal plan for the week.

I went to Fred Meyer Monday afternoon for milk and ended up spending $42.15 on all sorts of stuff.  I bought the milk, 2 bags of chips, 2 packages of clean hot dogs for $2.99 each, chicken strips for $6.25 & corndogs for $3.75, chocolate milk for $1.00, clearance creamers for $1.89 each, a gf/df pizza on sale for $7.19, saltines for $0.99, and 3# organic potatoes for $2.49.

Friday I dashed into QFC for 4 bags of chips and a macaroni salad for our potluck contribution.  I spent $14.25!

Later that night I was back at QFC since we needed milk.  I found ricotta on clearance for just $0.99 each so I bought big shells to make stuffed shells.  I bought some gf, acient grain chips in clearance for $1.99 each, clean guacamole on clearance for $1.79 each, a deli chicken on clearance for $4.79, a big package of pepperoni, an organic bell pepper and a lemon.  I spent $44.52.

I stopped into QFC today just to see what was there.  I found organic stew beef on clearance for $7.49/lb, organic hummus for $2.49, some bananas, & baking powder.  I spent $21.59.

Week 12 Total: $122.51
YTD 2017 Total: $1,373.57
Weekly Average: $114.46


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Menu Plan

I made quick menu plan for the week,

Monday - coconut curry (crockpot) & rice
Tuesday - hamburgers
Wednesday - pot roast
Thursday - French toast
Friday - potluck: chips & macaroni salad
Saturday - popcorn & smoothies
Sunday - chicken curry (different curry than Monday)

Monday - pbj
Tuesday - corndogs
Wednesday - taco salad
Thursday - mac'n'cheese
Friday - ramen & pbj (other soup for DD2)
Saturday - chicken/millet sautee
Sunday - crockpot stew